Our experts provide 24/7 services to help you with correct and updated Freelancer exam questions and answers so you can get a high score with guarantee.
Here is a list of freelancer exams for you to choose from:
Freelancer Exams category wise |
If you are new to Freelancer.com and don't have any portfolio, reviews or rating on your profile then the Best way to showcase your skills is to Pass Freelancer Tests with a high score. If you have High score for a skill and you bid on the same skill job, Freelancer will show your profile in the top of list. That will make your chances of hiring 200-300% more than the profile without having a freelancer skill test passed.
Whenever you bid on any project, the set of tests you passed will show up as Exam badges next to your bid which will put a very positive impression on Employers. Freelancer.com claims that it increases your hiring chances by 25%.
Established profiles also need High test score as surveys proved that all hiring companies and clients consider this as a factor, including other factors like your Portfolio, Rating etc. They value you if your Freelancer exam score is High or average. Recruiters do not consider you seriously unless you have proved your abilities with an awesome score.
Only the Best score (85%-100%) can bring you among the Top Candidates. Average score or tests in which you failed can create a bad impression. We understand that people don’t hire you just for your great results but when having to choose between 2 freelancers the clue to will surely choose the one with the high score on the Freelancer.com exams So you will be incrementing your chances of being hired with High Score that we promise (85%-100%)
You must be thinking how to Pass Freelancer test? We have a very simple answer here; We provide services to help you with the tough freelancer exam answers. Our experts will help you 24/7 with total privacy and will make sure that your profile stands out in the crowd. Contractors are always looking to hire the most talented person in the crowd of developers and what better way to impress then with your amazing test results. Freelancer will give you edge over other profiles as while showing potential candidates for any job, freelancer algorithms prefer profiles having skill tests cleared with high score relevant to the job being assigned over other profiles, this makes your chances of being hired a lot more than normal worker. These are not our words but freelancer say that on their skill test page as well.
Freelancer exam questions are difficult and sometimes tricky. Let’s face it, no one has time to sit and take chances when you are paying 5$/exam fee. We can save your time and money Each Skill test has 40 questions and you have to answer correctly in just 15 minutes, this makes each question answering time to 22 seconds. This is pretty low and if you fail to make it through the exam you not only lose your money but your integrity as well because you are a good developer and we know that. But these tests provide too little time to prove yourself a good enough developer so no need to hassle, just let our experts help you with our updated freelancer.com exam answers for all your tests needs. Each Level 1 test costs 5$, Level 2 test costs 10$ and Level 3 test costs 15$ exam fee which is charged by freelancer.com. Now you can try it yourself and you might pass it as well but do you really want just passing marks or you want to get 80% -100% marks in 1st attempt? We will make sure you get an 85%-98% score for sure or we will refund your amount. That is how confident and Guaranteed our services are and we are available 24/7. Just add us at Skype or email us so that we can set up a time to clear your required exams.
Freelancer charges 5$ for level 1, 10$ for level 2 and 15$ for level 3 tests.
However, there is a way to get these tests for free (Kind of)
Freelancer credits are a virtual currency which is awarded to every freelancer.com user. On every action a freelancer or employer performs they get some credit coins and these coins keep accumulating in their freelancer account and they can be used to buy different stuff from Freelancer Reward page.
As shown in the figure below the coins that has been accumulating in the account can be used to buy different packages like freelancer free test, bids or highlight bid packages. Also, you can see how many coins are required to buy each item. So if you have, say 1000 coins, you don’t have to pay any freelancer Exam fee. You can simply go to the freelancer reward page and buy one Level 1 test using credit coins and take that exam for free.
However, this route is beneficial for freelancers or employers who have active profiles and projects running under those profiles.
for a new profile if they complete their freelancer profile to a 100% which includes identity verification, phone confirmation, payment method attachment, completing your freelancer profile and taking US English level 1 test then they can get more than 1000 coins which they can use to buy 1 test (level 1)
For next tests they have to buy exams using the payment method they attached while completing the profile.
Why do all this hassle? Does it bring any benefit to my profile? I am spending money on freelancer exam fees. Answers to all these questions are here. Look, you have to invest in your business. You cannot expect a business to make money without first investing in it. Your profile is your business, your store front for your services. It should have all the attractive features to showcase your skills. Your profile should be your online presence for whoever visits your profile returns impressed and this is what makes your chances of being hired more than average freelancer. These tests do take some money to have but look at the return. Would you not like your chances to win a bid increased by 25%? If the answer is Yes then think no more and buy our services. We will make sure you get the results that are worth showing off. We might even help you get 1 or more freelancer free exams. We will try our best to save your money as much as we can on exam fees.
As you know Freelancer recently launched the Preferred Freelancer Program.
One of requirements for this program is to Preferred Freelancer Exam
By taking this test, you will be considered as the candidates who know all the terms and conditions of a freelancer. This is quite a unique exam and can really make you prominent among thousands. But time limits and tricky terminologies might make you fall short. If you care about your time and money then you must give us a chance for once only. We will show you our art on how to attach freelancer.com Preferred Freelancer Program SLA exam to your resume. You will be quite amazed to know that you don’t have to do anything extra in order to gain top marks. You just have to follow the request of our experts and follow our freelancer skill test answers to get best results possible.
If you are an old freelance or a newbie, in both cases you will feel the deficiency of not taking the skill tests. Because we have seen situations where a new client always follows the rules and asks for the proof of your abilities through skill tests. In that case, your strong proposal, relevant experience and perfect portfolio won’t give you too much. Moreover, your fewer marks won’t make you able to be considered as perfect personnel. We can play a pivot role here by attaching freelancer.com HTML5 Level 1 exam to your resume through great style. You must be thinking that what makes us so special. Thing is, we have industry experts at our back, they have prepared top freelancer HTML5 Level 1 tests answers that has second to none.
Being an IOS developer you cannot skip to take freelancer.com iPhone Development Level 1 exam. Actually, you are a stranger to everyone and no one will believe you until you provide proof. Your relevant degrees or education won’t give comfort to the client. But if you take the relevant test through the same platform then everyone would believe that you are the perfect fit. You don’t need to fear of tricks attached to this particular exam. We have a perfect and safe plan for you to choose our freelancer iPhone Development Level 1 tests answers. Your wish for having a high score in one Go will be fulfilled adequately here.
If you love to animate pictures and themes then you need to prove your skill by taking freelancer.com Adobe Illustrator CS5 Level 1 exam. Ultimately you will show the rest of the online world what your skills are and how far you can go. Most importantly, if you manage to get a top score then you will be considered only as compared to others who will be having a low score. So your task is not limited up to taking this particular but your score should be extraordinary as well. We can solve this critical situation by dint of our freelancer Adobe Illustrator CS5 Level 1 tests answers. We won’t ask you to go for the lengthy practices of our given pool of questions. You just have to name your certification only, we will do rest of the work.
Suppose if your perfect proposal and relevant experience both are not working then you will have to go out of the way. Yes, we suggest you increase your hiring chance up to more than 80% by taking the freelancer.com WordPress Level 1 exam. Ultimately you will prove to the world that you are capable of producing the real-world solutions. Now you must be taking our suggestion seriously but, in your subconscious, you will be thinking about going through that tricky exam. We have a plan for you since we have freelancer WordPress Level 1 tests answers as the most updated and accurate ones. The result will be according to your desire on your first GO.
Other services
We also provide services to pass Fiverr tests. You can check our menu pages to find required exams or simple contact us via Skype or Email ID so we can.